I am pretty sure that someone has at least thrown a comment
at you regarding how disinterested you are in a particular subject. Sure of
course, we are all allowed our own tastes and preferences. If you studied
economics it is one of the main if not commonest points in every single
thing…demand, supply and blah, blah, blah…
Anyway, hello world, forgive my poor manners.
So this time round my rant if not thought goes to the people
who believe that we are meant love the things that they love. Come on, people!
I am not you. I am me. That means that even you who is reading this is the only
version of yourself out there. You can look over the six billion people out
there in the world and still find only one you. In short, what you hate, what
you like and what you tolerate is unique to you.
And yes, kind sirs and madams, there might be someone who
has similar tastes and preferences, but the similarity is actually a
difference. Personally, I love Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and the
likes. Why? Because I love swords, knights, armour and stuff to do with the
Middle Ages. I am what you’d call a geek…seeing as I have read the books too.
Anyhow, some other person out there might also like these
mentioned movies and series, but their reasons could have more to do with plot,
relationships etc. To me those things are secondary and to them they are
primary. That is just how it is. So you see…similar but different. We might all
be from a singular tree, but every branch is bloody different people.
This brings me to the bigger point. Our dear parents and
relatives. “Abana ba naku zi’no…tebafayo” Forgive my Luganda (my native
language…kindly look it up) This statement translates into ‘kids of these days, don’t give a damn.’
If I am to be honest, why should I care for things that I
have no interest in. It is not my place to do so. I mean, you cultivated your
tastes long before you thought of me. And now that I am cultivating my own, you
have a problem with it. If you wanted me to have some sort of interest in your
shit and all, kindly you should have introduced me to it long before it would
not really matter to me.
Besides, it is not that we do not care about the things dear to your hearts. Honestly we do, but not as much as we care for the things closest to our hearts. You're our family and we will always care for what is important to you, but never to the extent that what is important to us(me) becomes secondary in our lives.
So kindly do not blame me for being me with my own tastes
and preferences. If you want me to love your things more than I do, you missed the boat.
PS: If you are reading this and your kid or whoever you want to care is not yet beyond the tender age of ten, you still have a chance. Run...run...and do the right thing yoooohhhhhh
Until then, I remain…the dream chasing nerd…
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